Friday, September 21, 2007

[AMR023] JON7 - Traitor's Gate

**Be sure to download the "MUST HAVE" text document. It is the storyline of the music. It is as important as the music.**

In a reality much like our own, only different, two particular inventions, the printing press and electricity, were indeed invented, but for some reason, had very little impact. They were introduced to people, and no one cared. Such things were considered the property only of the rich and well-educated. As a result, most of the civilized world still lives in a semi-medieval state.

Traitors' Gate is a rough district of neighborhoods on the outskirts of a major city somewhere in this 21st century medieval world. It is every bit as rough as any neighborhood on the edge of any modernized American city. "Traitors' Gate" is a soundtrack to a journey through this dangerous area, from the perspective of unnamed characters who work in the larger city center area and must make the trek each day to the city and brave the trip back home at night.

JON7 is a friend of ours who did a remake of the Turmoil album Astral Nightmare the result was Traitor's Gate a few months back we did a remake of of the JON7 album Ocean Floor entitled Blue Grotto. Much appreciation to JON7 for all his help and we hope to work with him in the future.

Track Listing:
  1. Traitors' Gate

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