Friday, September 21, 2007

[AMR034] LaVey - They

Lavey was birthed by marc flowers in the winter of 1998. this was only a thought, until 2001, when mr. flowers bought a few peices of musical equipment, a mixer, and a computer. and then, "i just started composing these really weird yet spooky instrumentals". he says, reflecting on the beginning. after a few years of practice, marc finally decided to write a record purely consisting of instrumentals. when asked why he didn't start writing lyrically oriented material, his answer was, " i want to make the listeners use their imaginations, create your own motion picture in your mind". after finishing his first full-length album, "Hypocryptical Vol.1: Demon Hellfire Orchestra", he started playing it for people where ever he went. "people just loved what i was doing! i mean, everyone that heard it wanted more! i was quite surprised!" he 2004, after the positive responses and reviews, marc set out to make the follow-up to his first record, "vol.2:empty and alone". which sounded better than the first record by a long shot. and yet again, got very positive feedback! shortly after the beginning of 2007, marc had toyed with the idea of writing a lyrical record. "i had at-least 50 sheets of lyrics that i had written, but didn't think them good enough to actually put too music". and, after a few months of bad recordings, marc emerged with a track called, "they". which got extremely positive reviews right here, on his myspace page. marc is currently at work on his third record, "countless hours", "they" being the first track on the disc. "i hope that people like the new record. i am writing the whole thing on a lap-top computer, and it's going damned well!" marc has also gotten coverage in central florida on a radio show called, "the spooks show". and is in the process of getting some small shows organized around florida after the record is complete. "for what i have planned, these shows are gonna be a smack in the face with a sledgehammer!"

Track Listing:
  1. They
  2. Instrumental Death Pt. 1
  3. Instrumental Death Pt. 2

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